May21, 1927 — Oct. 29, 2024
The stepfamily of Fay wish to honor his passing with our story. He met Mom in Arizona while a snowbird there. His wife of 54 years, Pat Garges, had recently passed and Mom, Pat Asplund, had been a widow for 40 years. They hit it off and married in Las Vegas in 2004. We couldn’t believe it. Pat Asplund became Pat Garges No. 2. The six Asplund kids had a new stepsister named Marcia. Fay became friends with our deceased Dad, Roger Asplund’s siblings-Lynda and Kenny Sandquist; Bruce and Carol Asplund, Betty Bohman and Jim and Judy Spencer of Troy. We were so happy they loved him too.
Mom and Fay lived in multiple places in Arizona and also Southwick, Clarkston and Spokane where they made many friends. They were fixer uppers of mobile homes before that was even a thing. They also enjoyed gardening, traveling and a little gambling. Fay was full of life and he made Mom’s life so happy. We are forever grateful to this wonderful man. Rest in Peace Fay. Mom is missing you.
With much love from your stepchildren/spouses and their children: Terry (deceased)/Rick Taylor-Tracie Turner, Bobbi Thomas, Jayme Taylor; Chris/Brian Tank-Nate and Andy Tank, Diane Knewbow; Shannon/Tom Blaine-Meg Rust and Sam, Ben and Tobruk Blaine; Brenda Shipman-Sabrina Durant and Jack, Sarah and Shawna Baker; Eric/Debbie Asplund-Tayler Fuller, Morgan Asplund, Maddy Anderson, Sarah Zenner and Katie Unruh; Maureen and Guy Olson-Dena Berquist and Aaron Olson.